News Archive
Friday Newsletter - 20 September 2019
On the last day of our conference a keynote and a lot of workshops are taking place. More information can be found here.
Fridays for Future - 20 September 2019
The ECMLPKDD 2019 proudly supports Fridays for Future. Keep up the great work for saving our planet.

Thursday Newsletter - 19 September 2019
Apart from the keynote, the talk about the best DM paper and the parallel sessions, a women lunch will take place. More infos on today can be found here.
Wednesday Newsletter - 18 September 2019
A newsletter containing everything that is important today can be found here.
Tuesday Newsletter - 17 September 2019
Today awaits you a keynote by Aude Billard as well as talks from the “Best Student ML Paper”-award winners and many other autors. For more details, please see today’s newsletter.
Alternative Bus Stop - 17 September 2019
For busses going to the main conference site (Bus lines 14, 114, 214): Since the bus stops Barbarossaplatz and Theaterstraße are closed due to construction sites there is a alternative bus stop Textorstraße.
Monday Newsletter - 16 September 2019
The newsletter for monday, 16.5.2019 is online and can be downloaded here.
Awards - 16 September 2019
Three papers have been awarded for their outstanding content. More information can be found here.
Booklet available - 15 September 2019
The booklet is now available online.
Full text paper - 14 September 2019
The full text (pdf) for all research papers are now online.
Preparations - 13 September 2019
Today the volunteers and local organizers made last preparations for the conference: We prearranged the conference location, packed the conference bags and set up the catering.

Awarded Journal Track Reviewers - 12 September 2019
Some reviewers for the journal track have been awarded for their outstanding service.
Instructions for presenters updated - 12 September 2019
We updated the instructions on how to present your paper at the ECMLPKDD. All authors, please check.
Booklet and Badge arrived - 12 September 2019
Today arrived the booklets and the badge, ready for you to collect upon your registration.

Summerschool kickoff - 11 September 2019
Today started the ECMLPKDD summer school (EPSS19) with 62 participants. Over a period of six days, the summer school offers interesting talks, tutorials and group work on machine learning and data mining for geo-spatial data/volunteered geographic information, quality of experience and human-computer interaction.
Women Lunch - 06 September 2019
There will be a women lunch organized on Thursday sponsored by McKinsey. Every woman registered at the conference is invited to join. There will be a small panel who will share their experience in academia/industry as women.
Conference Office Opening Hours - 06 September 2019
If you would like to pick-up your conference bag early on, please note that we will open the conference office for early arrivals on Sunday, 15th September, from 16:00 to 18:00 at the conference venue. The regular opening hours of the Conference Office will be daily from 08:00 to 18:00. Please be aware that we will offer no on-site registration as ECMLPKDD 2019 is already booked-out!
Instruction for Presentations - 27 August 2019
For all authors, we now provide instructions for the presentation of their accepted papers (conference as well as workshop papers).
Registration deadlines for tourist events - 23 August 2019
Thank you for your interest in our optional tourist events! The city tour, the wine tasting and the guided tour through Marienberg Fortress still have some spare places. If you want to participate, please let us know at tours[at] before 1st September.
Accepted Paper List Update - 22 August 2019
You can now find the abstracts and further information on session and location for each paper in our updated accepted paper list.
Standard Tickets sold out + Credit card payment - 16 August 2019
Today our standard tickets sold out, meaning that we only have a small amount of late registration tickets left. Additionally, all new registrations have to be paid by credit card from now on. If you want to subscribe to the waiting list, please let us know via registration[at]
Opening Reception booked out - 16 August 2019
To this day the registration for the ECML PKDD 2019 Opening Reception is booked out. This also applies to registrations with waiting list invitation codes. If you have received an invitation code to register, please let us know if you want to participate at the Opening Reception. Since we still have some returns for Opening Reception bookings, we will allocate them via an additional waiting list (first come, first serve). If you want to subscribe to the waiting list, please send an email to: registration[at]
Registration Update - 09 August 2019
We were able to open the registration for presenting authors. If you’re on our waiting list and none of your co-authors are registered yet, make sure to check your inbox! As soon as we made sure at least one author for every workshop paper is registered at ECML PKDD, we will deal with the other registrations on a “first come, first served” basis.
Workshop Rooms Fixed - 06 August 2019
Timetable update: We have fixed the room plan for all workshops, please take a look at the updated timetable! More information on the venue and its layout can be found here.
Booked Out - 02 August 2019
As of today, standard tickets are booked out! If you’re a presenting author at one of our workshops and have not registered yet, please let us know via registration[at] and include all relevant information regarding your accepted paper.
Registration Limit - 30 July 2019
Thank you everyone for your interest in ECMLPKDD 2019! We had an overwhelming number of almost 700 registrations during the Early Bird phase! Unfortunately, our premises are not without limits - hence we will have to restrict the registrations to 800 overall. Looking forward to meeting you all in Würzburg!
Optional Programme - 30 July 2019
After looking at early bird numbers, we have to cancel some of our tourist activities. Please check your ConfTool registration: you might want to add another tour in case your choice was cancelled. The modification of registrations will expire on August 8th.
Poster Session - 29 July 2019
We are very pleased to welcome many interesting submissions to this year’s ECMLPKDD and look forward to discussing them in depth at the poster sessions. All authors who give their talk on Tuesday or Wednesday are to present their poster at the first Poster Session on Wednesday. Accordingly, all talks from Thursday are invited to take part in the second Poster Session in the wine cellar on Thursday. Presentation details for talks and posters will be sent out soon!
Timetable update - 22 July 2019
We have updated the timetable which now contains the detailed schedule for each talk and more information on workshops. Please note that the schedule may still be subject to changes!
Additional services - 15 July 2019
Have you noticed our additional services yet? Local organizers were able to secure hotel rooms at special ECML rates (mostly available until August 3rd), collect a variety of different tourist activities (unpopular choices will be canceled from August 1st onwards) and offer childcare for free (application possible until July 31th)!
Demos online - 26 June 2019
The demos are online with preliminary descriptions here
Summer School (EPSS19) registration deadline approaching - 19 June 2019
The application deadline for ECML/PKDD Summer School (EPSS19) is coming up. Apply until July 1st!
PhD Forum Deadline Extended - 18 June 2019
The submission deadline for papers for the PhD forum has been extended to the 24. June 2019.
Registration Open - 17 June 2019
The registration for the ECMLPKDD 2019 is now open. Please keep in mind that you will not be able to change your registration after early registration!
List of Accepted Papers - 15 June 2019
Today, we published the list of accepted papers. Out of more than 700 submissions we accepted 102 papers in the research track and 28 papers in the applied data science track. We desk rejected several papers for (self-)plagiarism and violation of the double submission policy (together with IJCAI and NeurIPS).
Workshop Deadline Extension - 14 June 2019
Some workshops extended their deadline for paper submissions. Please check the corresponding workshop websites.
Workshops and Tutorials Deadline Approaching - 12 June 2019
The deadline for most of the Workshops and Tutorials is approaching on 14. June 2019. More information can be found at the websites of the workshops and tutorials.
PhD Forum Deadline Approaching - 12 June 2019
The deadline for the PhD forum is approaching on 14. June 2019.
Acceptance Notification for Research and ADS Track - 07 June 2019
We have sent out the notifications. The selection process was particularly competitive this year. We received 936 abstracts that materialized in 734 full papers. Together with the Program Committee and the Area Chairs, we selected 130 of these (roughly 18%) for presentation at the conference. The list of accepted papers will be available soon.
List of Accepted Workshops and Tutorials Online - 30 April 2019
The list of accepted workshops and tutorials is now online here.
Research and ADS Track Updates closed - 05 April 2019
Updates for the Research and ADS track submissions are not possible anymore.
Research and ADS Track Submission closed - 02 April 2019
Abstract submission for Research and ADS track is closed. New papers can’t be submitted for this track. Updates of papers are still possible.
Research and ADS Track Deadline Approaching - 27 March 2019
The deadline for the Research and ADS Tracks is approaching in very few days. Submit your paper here.
Workshop and Tutorial Proposal Deadlines Extended - 22 March 2019
The deadline for workshop and tutorial proposals has been extended to March 29th.
Demo Track Call for Papers - 06 March 2019
The CFP for the Demo Track is now available here.
Discovery Challenges Online - 06 March 2019
The Discovery Challenges are now online here.
Deadlines Fixed - 08 January 2019
The deadlines for the Demo Track, Workshops and Tutorials and the PHD Forum are now online here.
Research and ADS Track Open - 08 January 2019
The call for papers in the Research and ADS Track is now online here.
Journal Track Open - 15 June 2018
The Journal Track is now accepting submissions. For more information see the guidelines.